dōTERRA Positioning Statement:
“For people who care about improving their health and that of their loved ones, we provide simple, safe and empowering solutions that heal and enhance well-being. Our pure essential oils are revolutionizing the way families manage their health. We harness nature’s most powerful remedies and share these gifts through our global community of wellness advocates.”
The above statement was created last month with our executive team and some of our key employees. They sequestered ourselves offsite for an all-day strategy session. Let's highlight a few of the carefully chosen words-- People: Ultimately doTERRA is about, and for, people. Essential oils are for everyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, nationality, political, or social views. All people are equally benefited. Health: doTERRA is primarily a health company. We provide essential oils and essential oil infused products that directly and indirectly benefit the health of individuals and society. It is true that we use a direct selling channel, and that many people choose doTERRA as a business opportunity because of the potential financial rewards, but it is secondary. Care: People use essential oils because they care about having something natural. They care about what they use personally and on their loved ones. They care about quality, efficacy, and safety. They care about not using things that will harm themselves and others. They care about cost. People care about about rediscovering nature's forgotten benefits. People care about science and validity. We simply care! Simple: Essential oils have been around for thousands of years. There are many different oils used in many different ways. doTERRA has simplified the usage and understanding of nature's complexity. Our Family Physician Kit is a great example of this simplification, along with education tools that make understanding how to use essential oils easy. Safe: When you have a pure essential oil, free from synthetics, contaminants, adulteration, etc....you have a product that is safe to be used aromatically, topically, and internally. Because they are natural there are no side effects. Adverse reactions are extremely rare and usually associated with over-usage or inadvertent placement. Empowering: doTERRA is putting control of healthcare back into the hands of individuals and families. Our products are pure and therefore safe to be used in almost any way. There is no really wrong way to use them. We are breaking down many false stigmas which come from extreme positions. Well-being: doTERRA is helping to provide healing physically, emotionally, financially, and sometimes spiritually. Essential oils are powerful agents for change. Wellness Advocates: This is how most of our members see themselves. It is now the official name of our members. Revolutionizing: Essential oils are highly potent and concentrated. Much of the time they work as fast or faster than many of our modern medicines. They are inexpensive alternatives, with no side effects. They replace many of the costs associated with modern medicine and they are much more convenient. Science and research is building our confidence in their vast and diverse usage. Nature's most powerful remedies: doTERRA takes the essence of the planets most powerful aromatic plants and shares this benefit with the human race. Essential oils are the "essence" of nature's millennia of evolution. Share: Essential oils are meant to be shared. It is in our human DNA to share with others the miracles that occur in our lives. When a mother solves her child's pain she will share it. When a product has solved a health concern, no matter how large or small, knowledge of it will be shared. When we see others in pain, we will reach out and share so that they may be helped. Sharing is service to others....an innate desire in all of us.